Thank you for your interest in Snusofscandinavia’s perspective on the 18-year age limit for nicotine products.
Cigarettes are the only product that, when used as intended by the manufacturer and seller, cause half of habitual users to die prematurely.
As Sweden’s largest retailer of addictive tobacco and nicotine products, we carry a particularly significant responsibility. The age limit for purchasing tobacco by minors is a critical issue. Snusofscandinavia is committed to preventing young people from starting to smoke. We know that nine out of ten adult habitual smokers began smoking during their teenage years.
By keeping adolescence free from tobacco use, we reduce the risk of young adults starting to smoke later in life.
Snusofscandinavia, in collaboration with trusted agency, has developed a special feature ensuring that 100 percent of our sales are to adults. Purchases are verified via ID-Check and selfies when necessary. Snusofscandivia and its corporators don’t save any ID or selfies on its servers, everythis is deleted immediately after the check.
Snusofscandinavia also works closely with authorities, politicians, and organizations to ensure that the national age limit of 18 years is upheld by all actors.